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List including 570 suppliers of systems for windows & doors

It is now available the list including updated data of 570 companies (mainly suppliers of thermo-insulating profiles, joinery hardware, composite panels etc.). In order to complete the information about the entire market of materials used in the windows and doors industry, the economic agents specialised in supplying polyurethane foams, automation systems, shading devices and other types of specific elements were also included in the list. The updated details are provided in Excel format, and include information about: the name of the company, the fiscal registration code (also the code recorded at Romanian Chamber of Commerce) the contact details of the companies (city, county, address, postal code, phone number / fax, e-mail address, website, the name of the person who holds the executive positions); the turnover achieved in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 (in local currency and in Euro), the rate of increase/decrease in revenues, principal or secondary activity areas. For further details and a demo of the list click here!


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Ştiri de calitate și informaţii de afaceri pentru piaţa de construcţii, instalaţii, tâmplărie şi domeniile conexe. Articolele publicate includ:
- Ştiri de actualitate, legislaţie, informaţii statistice, tendinţe şi analize tematice;
- Informaţii despre noi investiţii, lucrări, licitaţii şi şantiere;
- Declaraţii şi comentarii ale principalilor factori de decizie /formatori de opinie;
- Sinteza unor studii de piaţă realizate de către organizaţii abilitate;
- Date despre noile produse şi tehnologii lansate pe piaţă.

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