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KNAUF INSULATION estimates the mineral wool market at 50 million euro

The mineral wool local market, estimated at 40-50 million EUR annually, could increase by more than 5% in 2015, amid the growth of the number of building permits, the positive signals in the economy and the increase of the awareness of population on the effectiveness of insulation of buildings, according to Knauf Insulation Romania, one of the leading local suppliers of rock and mineral glass wool, with an annual turnover of over 10 million EUR. The products promoted on the Romanian market are imported from the factories in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Serbia.The company is part of the German group Knauf, which has global commercial operations in over 35 countries with 30 manufacturing facilities, more than 5,000 employees and an annual turnover of over 1.5 billion EUR. Lately, the German group has expanded by opening a modern factory of glass mineral wool in Turkey, by acquiring Guardian Insulation US and by reopening the plant in Lanett, Alabama (USA). Knauf Insulation portfolio includes systems of wool and glass for various applications: thermal insulation of facades of contact and ventilated, the insulation of loft, bridges and flat roofs (patio type), ceilings, floors and interior walls.In addition, the company commercializes technical solutions for industrial applications (such as pipe insulation, ducts, furnaces, tanks, boilers, fire protection doors etc.) and wood fiber boards for the insulation of ceiling and soffit delivered under the Heraklith brand. Recently, the company's portfolio was completed with Urbanscape products range - solutions for green roofs. The portfolio of mineral wool is the most diverse in the local market. Knauf Insulation commercializes thermal and acoustic insulation as well as fire protection products for multiple use areas (residential and nonresidential buildings, industrial buildings, shopping centers, pipe insulation, pipes, ovens, tanks, boilers, fire doors, marine industry etc.).


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