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EXPORT is the main option for windows manufacturers

Although the first half of this year has increased the volume of construction works (estimated at + 5.3% in January-February 2016) and this situation has led to a renewed increase in orders for windows internally, the companies involved in the windows and doors production do not give up the overseas deliveries, being interested in export operations. Just like in the last year, when the gradual resuming of construction activity has enhanced the share of exports, it appears that in 2016 the trend will be similar - a fact partly confirmed by the business strategies exposed by the leading companies in the industry. At the same time, the statistical data provided by INS confirms that in 2015, the export of joinery (wood and PVC) increased by + 13.3% compared to the previous 12 months, which exceeded obviously the rise of the internal market, assessed, by extrapolating the turnover of 1,000 main companies in the field nearly, at 6%. According to information from the INS in the last year the local producers of PVC windows continued to diversify the export markets, highlighting 56 destinations (versus 52 in 2014), in Europe, but also the in Middle East, both Americas, Central Asia, the Far East ana Pacific (including Australia). The favorite countries remain essentially the same, particularly Italy (51% of total), France (25%), Germany (9%), Belgium (7%), Austria and the Czech Republic (4% each). It should be noted, in this regard, that, in terms of value, the first six destinations count in the proportion with 92.42% in the total export of PVC windows and doors, which means that, despite the diversification abovementioned, the export to the other 50 countries is relatively low, although commercial operations shall be performed steadily in recent years. In terms of export of wooden assemblies, the upward momentum was somewhat weighted compares with the one of PVC joinery (respectively + 1%, compared with + 14.41% in 2015) - and this is because, as estimated initially, this segment was recorded various fluctuations in recent years.


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