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EURO-FEREASTRA: The outlook of the profile market analyzed at the fifth edition

The topics discussed at the International Conference on Joinery Systems and Façades EURO-Fereastra 2013 (an event which has reached now its fifth edition and has already become traditional for the local profile branch) were designed to attract the interest of the audience, formed - as the preliminary data show - of more than 450 representatives of companies operating on the construction market in the segment of thermo-insulating joinery, or related sectors, who will meet on the 14th of May this year in the Atlas room of the Radisson Blu Hotel in Bucharest. Just as it happened at the previous edition, the works of EURO-Fereastra - a wide event organized by the magazines Agenda Construcţiilor and Fereastra - runs in parallel with those of the International Conference on Sustainable Constructions and Energy Efficiency EURO-Construcţii (second edition), so that they might represent once again a success on all levels, especially due to the participation of renowned specialists in the audience of the event. From the outset, it should be noted that the program of EURO-Fereastra was shaped so as to meet the information requirements of experts from the joinery sector, but focuses on a general theme of tremendous importance which represents a relatively new market segment in Romania, but one that could constitute the only quick way to be followed in order to overcome the effects of recession and to put the specialized firms on an increasing trend of sustainable development. Thus, during the current edition, a special emphasis will be put once again on development initiatives for sustainable buildings and the energy efficiency of performing joinery ensembles. Traditionally, the event is organized in collaboration with the prestigious Institute for Window Technology IFT Rosenheim, Germany, supported by numerous partners, including institutional ones, from which we can quote AGC Flat Glass, DualSoft and Habitat for Humanity. The conference aims to bring in public debate the perspective of the windows and curtain walls market, highlighting the current situation and its forthcomings on national and European level, as a result of the analysis of the main macroeconomic indicators.  For further information and a detailed analysis of the current TOP-Fereastra issue click here!


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Ştiri de calitate și informaţii de afaceri pentru piaţa de construcţii, instalaţii, tâmplărie şi domeniile conexe. Articolele publicate includ:
- Ştiri de actualitate, legislaţie, informaţii statistice, tendinţe şi analize tematice;
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- Sinteza unor studii de piaţă realizate de către organizaţii abilitate;
- Date despre noile produse şi tehnologii lansate pe piaţă.

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