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DOORS manufacturers and suppliers benefit of optimal perspective

Amid eliminate the main effects of the recent recession, the branch of manufacturers and suppliers/distributors of indoor/outdoor doors embarked on a trend similar to that specific for the national market of thermal insulating joinery (which indicates an unequivocally increase). This is closely linked to the situation of the sector real estate field, whose dynamic was positive during last year and slower in the first half of 2016. Elements like macroeconomic and sociopolitical reality reflected by various aspects such elections (for two such moments in 2016) and limited number of projects as a direct consequence of slow absorption of European funds could divert the course of specialized firms. Quantifying the financial results that largely reflects the value of the turnover of the biggest manufacturers and distributors of interior/exterior doors, the updated information of a list of companies (compiled by Fereastra magazine specialists) extracted from other documents refering at 993 manufacturers of joinery and 481 suppliers in this field, indicates various fluctuations in earnings. The data referring at the activity of 114 companies specialized in the production and supply of interior/exterior doors indicates the income in 2015 increased by + 21% to 116 million euro, compared to 2014 when they recorded a total turnover of 96 million euro. The increase occurs after some various significant fluctuations in the early years of the economic crisis, compared to the referential level in 2008. Taking into account the turnover declared in the previous 12 months and comparing with the reference threshold is easily found that in seven years the problems of interior doors market were various (but were solved largely in the last 24 months). This indicator has increased by + 32.85%, so it can be assumed that the entire specialized segment increased on an average level of about 30%.


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