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The situation on the windows branch, similar to the one recorded last year

Although they have provided relatively contradictory information, indicating rather a decline of their businesses, for the representatives of the companies involved in the production and installation of windows, doors and / or curtain walls, as well as the providers of PVC, aluminium, fittings and glass systems, the past year was a period of stabilization or slight increase of deliveries in certain segments, as it can be observed from the analysis of macroeconomic factors and other key issues affecting the industry. At first sight, although the effects of the economic crisis from the construction market persisted - and continue to be observed during this year as well - these have made less damage than in previous years to the specific area of activity. However, all current data indicate that, in 2013, a change in the previous trend, in the sense of the long-awaited period of sustainable growth in sales will not be recorded. Nonetheless, the minimum level of the joinery market was reached in 2009, and a decrease of this magnitude of the current shares is, at the present, unlikely. In order to estimate the evolution of the national joinery market on the short, medium and long term, the brief presentation of the results of the latest study - called Global CEO Survey - prepared by the consulting firm Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) in April 2013, may be considered appropriate. According to this study, about half of the managers of companies in Romania consider that they will record an increase in turnover this year. However, most of the managers also decided to continue to implement various cost reduction programs, along with identifying new partnerships and strategic alliances. Perhaps this is the way to be followed by companies activating in the thermo-insulating joinery sector, especially because - in spite of some restructuring – the branch continues to be characterized by heterogeneity, perhaps even more than in the years previous to the recession. If we return to the PwC research, this reveals that executives of companies in Romania are relatively optimistic about the short-term prospects of the firms they manage.  For further information and a detailed analysis of the current TOP-Fereastra issue click here!


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