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ANALYSIS: Western European countries - ideal targets for windows exports

Based on the latest information on the export of PVC and assemblies made of wood published by the National Institute of Statistics (INS), it results - contrary to previous estimates, which indicated some problems in certain markets in the European Union and a slight increase of deliveries made abroad by Romanian operators - that the main countries of destination to where the local windows producers are focused remain the ones in the euro zone. Moreover, exports already exceeded a threshold value considered to be "psychological" and  which is actually the real driving force of business in the fenestration field. For the current year, it is estimated that the supply of insulated windows and doors abroad will increase at a higher rate than that recorded at the internal level. For this year, it can be assumed that sales of joinery are driven by the revival of the construction real estate market (both on residential segment, as well as on the non-residential one) so that all the prerequisites are positive for companies in the industry. Most of enterprises had already created different channels for export, one of the most preferred method being to delivery assemblies by various companies in the EU, so that they can market the specific products to final beneficiaries and perform all sorts of operations, including installation. Another possibility, more expensive, but highly efficient (and with a real effect un profitability growth) is constituted by the opening - and maintaining - some selling offices in major cities of countries with developed economies, directly addressing to local customers, as it happens on the local market. Given that, lately, the demand for high performance systems (PVC, aluminum or wood profiles, hardware, glazing etc.) increased among relevant manufacturers of joinery in our country, as indicated the main suppliers, it is clear that export operations increased as a share of total deliveries because specific orders by the customers in our country has not changed significantly in recent years, domestic demand being oriented mainly towards cheap assemblies of PVC.


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