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ANALYSIS: The national approach in terms of energy performance certificates

Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) represent an important aspect of the EPBD (2010/31/EU2) being a crucial tool to encourage a drastic reduction of consumption in existing buildings. The main purpose of the EPC is to be a source of information for owners of buildings, residents and companies active in real estate field. These documents can be considered a useful instrument in a market generating massive demand in terms of energy efficiency, the major objective being that these improvements to become in a short time, a solid criterion guiding procurement decisions in real estate transactions, as well as a suitable way to suggest recommendations to improve the performance characteristics. According to studies conducted by Building Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) in previous years, these certificates are now among the most important sources of information on energy performance of buildings in the EU. The progress recorded in quality assurance processes and compliance requirements EPBD at national level have increased the opportunities to improve the credibility of CPE and their market impact. To enjoy the benefits proposed by the European authorities is essential a proper implementation of EPBD requirements. With the revision of Directive in 2010, EU Member States have had to adjust their national legislation on the schemes CPE and improve the existing rules by introducing a system of independent control, to ensure the skills of specialists in certification and accreditation procedure, the penalties for non-compliance, increasing the availability of CPE sales and leasing transactions, and greater visibility of the energy label in commercial advertising. It is important to assess the status of implementation of EU legislation in EU states, focusing the attention on the quality, availability and ability to use the data in CPE. It is also vital the exposure of examples of good practice. Based on a deep analysis, can be developed integrated policy recommendations to exploit further the potential benefits arising from proper implementation of quality assurance systems and centralized registers of CPE. 


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