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ANALYSIS: Multinational groups targeting the Eastern European emerging markets

According to the early estimates of the European Statistics Office Eurostat, after the first three quarters this year in the European Union is recorded a general economic growth, with few countries that still resides in technical recession. Also, if one takes into account the quarterly data from July to September, as a sequential basis for calculation, the Romanian economy was the most efficient (as the growth rate) of the entire community space, with a jump of 1, 4% compared to April-June 2015, outpacing all other states and became a favorite target for investors and large corporations in carpentry, concerned to avoid the risks of any kind, but especially the geo-strategic ones (which now marks the major Western European countries, such as France) and work mainly in safer areas, but emerging with the potential for sustainable GDP increase. Incidentally, this is the situation of the whole area of Eastern Europe, with certain exceptions, and our country will occupy a leading position in the strategic investors' preferences and obviously in the corporations mentioned above. More than likely, in their strategic analysis the multinational companies take into account the new estimates of Eurostat, according to which Germany (the strongest economy in the European Union) recorded in the third quarter of 2015 a GDP growth of + 0.3% compared with the previous quarter and 1.7% compared to the same quarter in 2014. France also recorded a slight increase (+ 0.3%) compared to the second quarter in 2015 and an advance of + 1.2% compared to the third quarter of last year. EU Economy has advanced by  0.4% sequentially and 1.9% and compared to the same quarter of 2014. Among the Member States, referring to sequential data series, for the period between the fourth quarter of 2014 and July to September this year, only Finland (-0.2%, -0.1%, + 0.2% and -0.6%) and Luxembourg (+2.8 %, -0.3% and -0.9%, as for the third quarter data must remain confidential) are the only EU countries which are in statistical recession, currently being no preconditions for recovery.


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