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ANALYSIS: Joinery companies depend on the fluctuations of the construction market

After a first quarter with a sustained sequential increase of the construction market - with a direct effect on the thermal insulating joinery segment - the production in the fenestration area  faced, in April-June, a decrease (at sequential bases), which indicates that the problems caused by the recession have not been completed. The only good news is, however, the one which confirms that the volume of sales in the first semester was higher than in the same period of the past year. In this context, the managers undertake more efforts to stabilize or increase sales, and for the second half of 2015 - after which, in terms of the delivery, in the first six months of this year the results were relatively consistent compared to the same period in 2014 - it is expected an slight recovery. This estimate, updated following the publication of statistical data in the first six months after it announced an increase in construction 15.2% in July 2015 compared with July 2014, take into account the possible dynamic of exports. According to the European Statistical Office Eurostat, the EU's commercial activity (including intra- and extra-community supplies of joinery) continues to be the best and in the EU-28 recorded a trade balance surplus of 23.3 billion euro in relations with the world, in the first semester of 2015 (+ 4%, compared to January-June 2014). However, other indicators show a still fragile economic situation, which could be worsened by new geopolitical challenges, such as the flow toward the European states of immigrants/refugees in the Middle East, North Africa and other countries. The danger will induce a temporary economic instability in the euro zone, prompting the imposition of austerity measures and changing the specific purchasing behavior of population, in terms of acquiring durable goods, such as joinery. Basically, a relevant element which marks the activity in the sector consists of the dynamic of European market of construction. According to the bureau Eurostat, in the second quarter of 2015 was recorded a reduction in the volume of construction works (both in area euro, and the EU-28), which means that if also in the July-September period will be registered another problems,  the prospects for development are remote.


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