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Advanced systems and solutions for a high level of fire protection

The burning behavior of insulating materials used in the production process of thermal insulating joinery arouses more and more attention lately, especially due to the unfortunate events that took place late during the last year. Although maybe it is not necessary a tragedy to realize the importance of an enhanced attention to the risks involved by fire, however the status quo at the moment is welcome as it assumes a greater responsibility in terms of design, execution and permanent monitoring of the elements prone to such disasters. If less than a year ago such a subject would be addressed, it would probably not raise a full awareness. Reality has proved that the protective and preventive measures are never sufficient to ensure a complete security of users. Great efforts of research have been made permanently worldwide, at a higher or lower intensities, to identify some viable solutions to match the requirements of fire protection. Especially since in the early twentieth century a fire ravaged a production unit in US, it was developed a real "fight" for finding the best solutions to avoid such events. All the leading companies in the world attended the joint efforts and the results were immediate. The relevant legislation has evolved faster and nowadays is able to manage this quite complex phenomenon from all points of view. Of course, regular accidents occur, which proves that fight with fire has not been definitively won, but the positive side is the fact that such challenges are designed to keep attention awake and catalyze the research efforts to obtain the proper solutions. Materials and technologies recommended by experts to meet the requirements for fire resistance are neither simple nor affordable in terms of price, but is expected to make them competitive in an acceptable time horizon, so as to be available for standard applications and contribute to increase their sustainability.


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