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PROJECTS: The application of developers’ plans can end the economic crisis

Romania's major projects such as Craiova-Piteşti highway, the section Gilău - Suplacu de Barcău of the Transylvania motorway, the plant at Rovinari, the reactors 3 and 4 at Cernavodă, the hydropower of Tarniţa-Lăpuşteşti and the bridge over the Danube at Brăila, drew the attention of the Chinese banks interested in financing the investments over 3 billion EUR necessary in order to achieve these objectives. Meanwhile, the nationally active developers are planning the resumption of projects announced during the period before recession by adapting in the meantime their plans and objectives to the new market conditions. Consequently, the faster the state authorities will redirect their domestic policy in order to develop projects, to support and encourage investors and create jobs, the sooner we could see a rapid economic recovery that would take Romania out of crisis. According to the Department of Infrastructure Projects and Foreign Investments (DPIIS) , China Investment Corporation (CIC), China Development Bank and China Exim Bank stated their intention to develop major projects in Romania, even in the absence of guarantees provided by the state. "In our country, the policy of granting state guarantees is not favored, but the implementation of projects through concession or Public-Private Partnership (PPP). The latter represent accounting solutions which are economically and financially viable and through which the private investor recovers its investment or the loan drawn from the market using the incomes resulting from the infrastructure project", said the Minister Delegate of DPIIS, Dan Şova, during a meeting held in Beijing with the officials of the main Chinese banking and financial institutions. Another topic on the agenda was the possibility to start projects with access to the funding available under the facility provided by the Chinese government. We are speaking here about the credit line of about 10 billion USD for the accomplishment of cooperation projects in the CEE countries, as well as the investment cooperation fund worth 500 million USD, which includes the participation of the Chines financial and banking institutions. 


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