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PRODUCERS: The economic growth supports the effort of the companies

Unlike the previous 12 months, as a result of the re-entry of the Romanian economy on an upward trend (although still fragile), the relevant indicators of the current period continue, on the one hand, to reflect the uncertainty of local business, but on the other hand show more favorable prerequisites as in the past activity of the windows industry. Although in the first half of the year were registered more attenuated economic effects of the financial and structural in 2008-2014 (already called the Great Recession, which involved the highest degree of insecurity in the last 55 years), the domestic demand remains fragile. Thus, one of the few solutions for most companies operating on the market consists in exports. In this context, managers of companies undertake substantial efforts to stabilize or increase sales, and for the second half of 2015, while the deliveries of the first six months of this year were relatively consistent compared to the same period in 2013, it is expected an ease recovery. Although the season for window sales is in full swing - and should provide new opportunities for companies in the industry - fluctuations in national demand is one of the main reasons for the instability in the flow of orders in the segment of joinery so more and more companies in the industry try, if possible, to supplement the revenues from exports. For the current year is estimated, however, an increase in turnover in the field, compared to the aggregate value of the previous 12 months, when the main 907 manufacturers of thermal insulating joinery (included in a broader lists of specialized firms active in the local construction market) showed a progress of 5% of income (expressed in euro), compared to 2013. Although the cumulative turnover of their businesses not accurately indicate the total market value (which is broader and includes a lot more companies, even of smaller dimensions) it should be noted that in 2014, the 907 manufacturers have officially reported total revenues of 1.09 billion euro, very close to the level in 2013, when they recorded 1.04 billion euro.


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