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KLAES: Exports are the main driving force of the joinery industry

In terms of financial results, in 2013 Klaes Romania was placed on a similar trend to the previous period and the company representatives estimate that at the end of the year the results will be between the levels recorded in 2011 and 2010. The available statistics indicate that the year 2010 was the best in terms of performance achieved by the local subsidiary of Horst Klaes GmbH & Co. KG. At the moment, the best results are reported by Klaes Germany, followed by the subsidiaries active in Western and Central Europe, China and Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, Russian Federation, Middle East, Australia/New Zealand, South America and Africa. The international leadership position held by Horst Klaes GmbH & Co. KG was won and consolidated thanks to a strategy that involved a continuous development of innovative solutions for the construction industry through providing high quality services and offering full support for users. Given that approach, in over 30 years of activity, the company has managed to establish long-term partnerships with the most important companies on the window segment in Europe and on other continents. The permanent processes of promoting the improved versions of software programs were the main elements that have grounded the development of the society. These solutions were shortly converted into standards, used as well by the competitors of Klaes. Nowadays, the most dynamic department is the one of information technology (IT), because at this level the requests of users are translated into action through the innovative ideas of the Klaes team. In time, the company has implemented a modern marketing concept, which allowed the popularization of the benefits arising from the use of high performance computing modules. The number of international partners is very high at the moment, including prestigious companies such as Microsoft, HP, Oki Business, Norman Antivirus, Samsung, Elo Business Partner, Lancom Solution Partner, Citrix Access Essential Solution Advisor, Sunrise Software etc. Currently, the local team efforts are directed toward supporting the complex projects.


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