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ANALYSIS: 2014, the last year of decline for the European windows industry

The most recent forecasts regarding the dynamics of the European thermal insulating joinery market indicate that 2015 will mark the first year when the analyzed segment would record a real growth in sales, after the onset of the financial crisis, in the last quarter of 2008. As a result, although for 2014 is expected, at least in Western Europe, some declines between -0.7% and -0.4% in terms of value and quantity, during the next 12 months is most probable that the sector in the developed countries on the continent to register increases in orders, by 2.1% and by 1.6%, both by value and quantity points of view. Information on the possible evolution of this sector are summarized in a research study, conducted by Interconnection Consulting Group - Austria, who explained that this year will be a milestone for the Western European woodworking industry, with sales reaching 57.1 million window units, amounting to euro 16.2 billion euro. In this document, referring to the present and the prospects for supplies of windows, the authors explained that windows market in the Western Europe - including all countries at the western side of the continent including Scandinavia - are to shrink for the last time in 2014, but the rates of decline would be extremely moderate, indicating rather a stabilization. In their opinion, from the reference values (57.1 million window units and 16.2 billion euro), on which will report all companies, the biggest part (34%) will belong to the producers in the German speaking countries (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). It is interesting that, in 2008, the share of the region was only 23.8%, classifying it at that time in third place after France and Benelux (occupying the first position) and Italy, Spain and Portugal (placed on the second one). The structural problems of the countries in Southern Europe have made the Iberian and Italian peninsulas to decline by 45.6% in windows deliveries in 2008-2014, which means that these countries have now a share of only 12.9%. Only the Scandinavian countries - which traditionally cover a relatively small market size and focused on wood joinery - remain in the last position in the ranking, after the group formed by Italy, Spain and Portugal.


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