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ANALYSIS: Sales of elevators and escalators, estimated at 50 million euro

The Romanian market of elevators and escalators is difficult to quantify in terms of value, especially since in recent years there have been registered massive fluctuations in demand. However, through specific methods of measurement and extrapolation from turnovers of the main competitors in the business it is estimated that, at national level, the sale of new equipment and the maintenance of existing units accumulate between 40 million euro and 50 million euro, the first activity being credited with 25 -28 million euro. The only data available for Romania, which have some degree of certainty, indicates that, currently, the number of operational lifts units is between 45,000 units and 47,000 units, a lot more compared to 1990, when there were in operation around 35,000 equipments designated to vertical traffic, mostly supplied by IFMA and Ascensorul. Thereafter, the sector was accessed by all the major international suppliers, which have entered into direct competition with local companies. In these circumstances, the elevators sales was placed on a trend of strong growth, starting from annual deliveries of 200 units in the first part of the last decade of the XX century and reaching 1,600 units per year, at the peak of economic development, in 2008. Unfortunately, the public information on this subject is sparse, virtually the only source of data being the institution with attributions in market surveillance (ISCIR) which holds all documentation regarding the elevators in operation in Romania. But legislation imposes much restrictions on the provision of public information, limiting their scope to press releases and legislation, without access to statistical data, summaries, research, analyzes, where publication would prejudice principle of fair competition. According to estimates of the Romanian professional association in the field (PSASR), nowadays about 50% - 60% of the equipment in operation are morally worn out, while the rate of modernization is at 500 units/year. Currently, there are some timid attempts to align the local legislation at the principles provided in SNEL (Safety Norm for Existing Lift).


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