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ANALISYS: The new regulations of the energy efficiency of buildings

In the Official Journal of Romania no. 574 of August 1st, 2014, there was published the Law no. 121/2014 on energy efficiency in order to transpose into national law the existing provisions within the European Union Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency. The norm has as main objective the creation of a coherent framework in order to develop and implement the national policy on energy efficiency, the improvement of performance with the purpose of ensuring a sustainable development and the security of energy supply as well as the removal of barriers to energy efficiency etc.. According to the document, the energy efficiency policy establishes the objectives for improving energy efficiency, the indicative targets for energy saving as well as the measures to improve energy efficiency for all sectors of the national economy, with specific provisions relating both to the introduction of the energy efficient technologies and the promotion of the use of final consumers of equipment and energy efficient devices and market development for energy services. Moreover, the new law defines the energy efficiency as the ratio between the value of the efficient result obtained, consisting of services, goods or energy produced and the amount of energy used for this purpose. In what concerns the establishment of a department for energy efficiency under the new rules, the National Regulatory Authority for Energy (ANRE) will include, by an order of the president of the institution, the Department for Energy Efficiency (DEE). According to the law, this will be empowered to develop policy proposals and secondary legislation on energy efficiency, to monitor the status of implementation of the national action plan on energy efficiency and related programs that oversee the market for equipment and apparatus for which there are specific regulations on energy efficiency and eco-design etc. The norm establishes that the operators are obliged to carry out every four years an energy audit, in which there will be identified the energy consumption profile of the operator as well as the cost-effective energy savings opportunities.


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