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BRANDING: The slogan, logo and brand - vital elements for a successful company

Design and development of a viable brand for companies involved in thermal insulating joinery fabrication not constitute an approach as difficult as it seems at the first glance. There are enough examples of high notoriety, available both in Europe and overseas, which help to identify the key elements underlying a successful brand. The situation is very much different as regards the implementation of branding elements in the case of system suppliers, for which the action is easier, especially if taking into account the experience that the mentioned companies gained on the home markets. The decades of promotion constitute a distinct advantage and a solid starting point for achieving a coherent strategy "brand awareness" in Romania. Of course, the local market has known problems and difficulties, speaking mainly about the guiding the acquisition process by the price criterion, but this is a challenge which could be overcome. Turning back to the issues to be addressed by the producers of PVC joinery, it is easy to observe the scarcity of the real brands on the local market, most companies promoting their products under manufacturer's name, by associating their products with the system suppliers (usually the manufacturers of the profiles) or at most, by adding the term "window" in the company name. This situation is acceptable for an industry (or, in the specific case, a manufacturing activity) which is in an early stage of development, but after two decades of experience, such an approach is already inadequate. Of course there are exceptions, but they are so few that are hardly to be identified  in the bulk of companies whose promotion policies are almost nonexistent. If to this element is added the choice of a dull name for own business, the picture is complete and does not inspire not a positive message to consumers. Solutions exist for Romanian entrepreneurs, being necessary to implement strategic changes and to allocate funds fairly dimensioned for a complex process as the branding.


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