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PRODUCERS & SUPPLIERS: Annual growth of 8% -10% for materials market

Changing the lifestyle in the 21st century and rising the living standards are the main reasons for the developments of the local DIY market in recent years. Also during the recession, the sector managed to evolve very much. Moreover, the transactions from 2013 and 2014 indicate that this area will be very dynamic in the following period. According to calculations in the financial results of 2014, published by Romanian fiscal authorities, local DIY market amounted to around 1.79 billion euro, recording an increase of 8% compared to 1.66 billion euro in 2013. It is important to note that an overview of the sector will be available only after the end of the current financial year, when the companies will publish the results achieved for a full fiscal period. According to a survey conducted recently ("European Home Report 2014", published by Kingfisher DIY network), more than 46% of Romanian population expects to acquire a house and to renovate it after their own needs. The same study indicates that the Romanians also generate significant demand for building materials and gardening, wanting to build or arrange a garage (28%), a greenhouse (23%), a paved garden (32%) or a vegetable garden (22%). In addition, in the last five years, local population has turned increasingly towards the creation of additional spaces inside the home through remodeling (30%), and this trend will be maintained in the next five years (32%). The above mentioned study analyzes the potential demand from several perspectives DIY markets in France, UK, Ireland, Poland, Spain, Russian Federation, Romania, Germany and Turkey. The report also indicates that 82% of respondents would renovate the place instead of move elsewhere, 91% would opt for making their homes more reliable and 86% would choose energy-efficient products. Also, 85% of respondents would read the instructions on the product before initiating the project, 73% would use the Internet to identify the necessary products and 38% would use the information to inspire in their projects.


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