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KONE: The sustained development of office buildings segment continues

Although the recession has not ended, the company Kone Ascensorul (Kone Romania) continues to unroll its business on an upward trend. The sales volume increased by over 10% in the fiscal year 2012 compared to the previous financial period. On the segment of new equipment, the company already occupies the second position, the annual contracting for delivery / installation of equipment reaching over 100 pieces, which corresponds to an average growth rate of 50% in the last five years. The company's success is based primarily on the promotion of products with outstanding technical performance available at affordable prices and adjusted to the purchasing power of local beneficiaries. Furthermore, another item, on which the momentum of deliveries was based, has been the high level of quality services generated by a careful orientation to customer requests. In order to meet the current requirements relating to environmental protection and the application of sustainability principles, Kone Romania recently obtained the certificate for quality-environment integrated management system in accordance with the requests of the standard ISO 14001. Forecasts on the short / medium term indicate, however, a stagnation of demand on the construction sector in Romania and, thus, of the segment of elevators and escalators. According to Kone's experts, the occurrence of small positive fluctuations may be possible, but will certainly be negligible if they will be related to increases from the interval 2000-2008. "Given these special circumstances in which we have to run our business, we intend to continue the process of continuous increasing of the financial performance. This objective can be achieved through the diversification of the promoted portfolio, the territorial expansion of the distribution network and the access of some segments which, in present, are less representative for our field. We also consider that this direction cannot be covered without the constant support of Kone's staff that underlines a special activity on the local market. Our company has renowned specialists with an unquestionable moral and professional integrity, which, in fact, is the most important investment of the Group in Romania", said Radu Patrascanu, general manager of the society. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue click here!


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