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CSC: More than 40 million RON allocated for social protection

Casa Socială a Constructorilor (CSC), the only peer social welfare organization of the construction sector in Romania, made payments totaling 26.2 million RON for the social protection of 21,705 construction workers in the winter of 2013-2014, respectively during November 2013 - March 2014 period. In the season 2014-2015, the CSC management expects to provide funds for the social protection of workers with a value of approximately 40 million RON, given that this year a more cumbersome winter weather is expected compared to the previous one. However, the organization announced that it has sufficient funds in order to protect the employees of the onstruction companies that are members. CSC was established under Law no. 215/1997 and in those over 16 years of operation, the real social protection granted totalled over 270 million RON and was offered to a total of 388,700 employees. For the 2014-2015 winter season, which most likely will be more difficult for builders in terms of winter weather than in 2013-2014, CSC has sufficient funds to protect a total of 80,000 employees of member companies. Considering the reality of the last years of social protection, the organization's management believes that only about 25,000 to 30,000 workers will actually receive social protection through CSC. This estimate can be confirmed or exceeded, given the conditions of the winter to come. If during the 2011-2012 winter, the average amount spent on a construction worker (including the budgetary obligations related to the company) was about 1,088 RON / employee, the average amount paid in 2013-2014 winter was 1,206 RON / employee with 73 RON less than the 2012-2013 season due to the structural changes occurred in the staff of the member companies, as well as the new membership affiliation to the CSC of new companies that have paid social security, the medium wage being different from one company to another.


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