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ANALYSIS: The revival of domestic demand for construction products

The optimal evolution of local market of construction in the first eight months of this year determined the increase of  the domestic demand for materials and specific systems for the first time since the onset of the recession, given that, by the end of 2014 the sector was supported mainly by exports. A key indicator for the sector development is the cement market segment, estimated at about 560 million late last year. According to the National Statistics Institute (INS), the cement market grew by 13.5% in the first six months of 2015, in the context in which the evolution of consumption for this year could exceed the 5% estimates of increase made at the beginning of 2015 by the managers and representatives of the industry Cembureau - an organization which brings together the leading manufacturers of cement in the EU, including the "Cement industry employers and other mineral products for building Romania" (CIROM). If it is envisaged that the ongoing turnover of Lafarge Romania increased by 25% in the first six months of this year, while those of Holcim Romania increased by 23%, becomes plausible such development of over 10% of the cement market in 2015. The increase in consumption in our country may fall thus above average in Eastern Europe (including the Russian Federation), where the segment could advance this year, with about 3%, according to Freedonia Group, an important North American market research company. An annual increase of 10% could boost the local cement industry at about 620 million euro. As regards the global demand for cement, it will grow by more than a billion tons annually over the next five years and will reach 5.2 billion tons in 2019, according to Freedonia Group estimates. The experts have recorded significant progress in particular in developing countries, but a strong growth will be reported in North America. According to Freedonia, in 2014 Asia-Pacific region generated the greatest demand for cement, with a consumption estimated at 3.16 billion tonne, or over two-thirds of total global cement market, which stood at 4.16 billion tons.


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