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STRABAG remains the leader of the Romanian construction sector

Strabag Romania, the subsidiary of the Austrian Group Strabag, maintains its position as the leader of the Romanian construction sector, with a market share of 3.3% in 2015, followed by Bog'Art (1.5%), Astaldi (1.4%), Constructii Erbasu SA (1.3%) and Porr Construct (1.1%). In total, the top ten companies in the ranking have a market share of 12.2% of the total. In 2008, the same ten construction companies had a combined share of 3.3% in this sector, hence they have the capacity to accommodate to the national and international unfavorable context in 2008-2015. The ranking of companies specialized in the execution of infrastructure works, based on the turnover in 2015 is as follows: Hidroconstructia SA (3.8%), Delta ACM (2.4%), Electromontaj SA - Bucharest (2.1%), Electrica Serv SA (2%) and Tancrad - Galati (1.9%). In total, the top ten companies in this field have a combined market share of 11.1% at the end of 2008, but it increased to 19.4% by 31 December 2015. Regarding the special works sector (which includes all subcontractors, such as insulation, plumbing, waterproofing specialists etc.), the largest companies are Energomontaj SA - Bucharest (with a market share of 1.7% in the sector in 2015), followed by Energobit SA - Cluj (1.6%), IMSAT SA - Bucharest (1.5%), Elsaco Engineering - Botosani (1.3%), TIAB SA - Bucharest (1.2%). In total, the combined market share of the top ten competitors in the sector has doubled during the same period, rising from 5.8% in 2008 to 10.8% in 2015. "The construction sector was the first to enter into recession and will be the last one out of the crisis. Even despite the reduction in the number of companies in the sector, competition is maintained at very high levels, due to poor funding of the sector. A growing problem will become labor shortages (both specialized as and unspecialized) in the construction sector, as projects from the 2014-2020 programming period will start to implement", said Ion Anghel, chief of the economic and financial department on ASE, the Romanian University of Economic Studies.


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