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Growth of export sales on wood joinery segment

Even with the rise of the construction market and thus of the thermal insulating joinery segment, as regard the wooden assemblies (more expensive) were recorded significant fluctuations in demand at the national level. It’s not surprising that, like their counterparts promoting PVC windows, the wooden assemblies manufacturers who are active on the domestic market were oriented more strongly towards exports, in an effort to compensate the relative surplus of capacity and to achieve a relative profitability. However, when taking into account the data provided by the National Statistics Institute (INS) it can be easily found that, in 2015, the export of wood products increased in value by almost 1% compared to the previous 12 months (after a previous jump of + 24%), which is a favourable evolution for specialized companies. According to INS information, if it is analysed the ranking of wood joinery exports, it is easy to see that they are less than the windows/doors of PVC, being constituted mainly by those countries who have a great potential of absorption (in order the declared value) UK, Italy, France and Belgium. The exports to other countries totalling less representative value levels. From a quantitative perspective, this ranking changes, only in France the exports cumulating 83.573 units, and in Italy 37.770 units. Anyway, the wooden windows exports recorded relatively steep declines, followed by sporadic and inconsistent increases. In this sense, from a reference value reported in 2008, in the first year of recession was reported a decline of -8.59%, followed in the next 12 months by a fall of 11.55%. Only in 2011, was registered a jump of + 38.31%, bringing the value to a record threshold, which currently has not been repeated. In 2012 the impairment was of -13.93%, after which in 2013 has reached the minimum in the review period (a decrease of -18.42%). In 2014, the growth has been a little more consistent (+ 23.99%), then in 2015, as previously stated, the exports were placed on another underlying value (+ 0.99%), slightly below the reference value in 2008. Therefore, the contribution of the present values of wood joinery was only 7.57% of the total exports windows and doors, and for the entire year 2016 seems this trend will not change noticeably.


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