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CONSULTANCY: Mineral wool solutions for a rehabilitation market of 100 billion euro

According to the latest estimates, the global market for insulating systems based on mineral wool will record an average compound annual growth rate index (CAGR) of around 7% during 2016-2019, and at the end of that period sales will cumulate globally more than 12 billion USD. The fastest development will record in Asia/Pacific region, due to the rapid expansion of real estate and industry investments, which generates a massive increase in demand. Reviews conducted by international experts show that the main factor that will generate the expansion of the sales is the orientation towards performance solutions for thermo-sound insulation, both from the residential sector and from retail, plus a new segment with a significant grow, represented by the industry, where theenergy performance requirements are increasing. Recently, the European association of manufacturers of insulation systems (EURIMA) has clarified some aspects of the new European directive for energy efficiency of buildings EPBD 2010/31/EU, which has a close connection with the mineral wool products. In the current conditions of transition from one stage to another, it is considered important for EU legislation to encourage a sustainable development of structural solutions, which ensure a high level of efficiency of the overall real estate, throughout the whole period of operation. Currently available data indicates that over 40% of the primary energy consumed in Europe is used in buildings, so this constructions have a huge potential for saving resources, and also for reduce the energy dependence, decrease carbon footprint and limit the household bills. Through a proactive approach and a carefully implementation of targeted strategies will be possible to obtain benefits for users, companies and public administration on short, medium and long term. Therefore, EURIMA proposals aimed at experts pursue five major aspects of Directive, from which the most important are the renovation of the existing stock of buildings in accordance with NZEB 2050 and the precise setting of a threshold measured in kWh/sqm/ year for energy used in heating/air conditioning. 


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