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BUILDING SITES: Investments in new malls in the Capital exceed 600 million EUR

Six shopping center malls, worth about 625 million EUR, are in various stages of planning and construction in Bucharest, although the market seems to be already saturated in this regard, given the insolvencies and bankruptcies in the field. If we analyze the selected sites for investment, there is a preference of developers for the former urban industrial sites, such as Electroaparataj, Textile Dacia, Vulcan or Tricodava. The latest investment in this regard is Mega Mall, a project that dates back to 2011 and whose construction works are likely to be launched during this summer. The other objectives are: Victoria City Center, Vulcan Value Center, Park Lake Plaza, Promenada Mall and Drumul Taberei Shopping Center. The building permit was issued for Mega Mall since November 2012 and the building (S+P+2E) will be made on the platform of former Electroaparataj buildings in District 2. The objective will have an area of about 70,000 square meters and, according to the officials of the developer, represented by the Austrian company Real4You, the works will be initiated as soon as the project reaches an occupancy rate of 50%. At present time, the complex is rented at 35% of its capacity. The deadline of the investment, amounting to 46 million EUR, is set for 2015. Also, this summer, are estimated to start the works at Victoria City Lifecenter shopping center, which will be developed on Blvd. Bucurestii Noi no. 43 on the platform of the former Dacia textile factory. The project will have a leasable area of 68,000 square meters, of which 12,000 square meters will be allocated for building a Cora hypermarket. According to the data available on the market, the mall might be opened during the third quarter of 2014 and was developed by Benevo Capital Corporation, in partnership with CD Capital Partners (both from Canada). Benevo Capital is also involved in a major project from the same category, namely the execution of the shopping center located on the site of the former Vulcan plant in Bucharest, which will be made in partnership with New Europe Property Investments (NEPI). Both investments announced by Benevo Capital Investment Corporation for this year are estimated at 200 million EUR. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue click here!


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