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BOSCH: Significant market shares at the level of all divisions

The inauguration of two factories built by the Bosch Group at Blaj and Cluj-Napoca will determine a 8.3% increase in the company's turnover in 2013. The representatives of the local subsidiary of the German group estimate total sales of 195 million EUR this year. These units, which required a total investment of 120 million EUR, will become operational in June (the one in Blaj) and the last quarter of this year (the one in Cluj-Napoca). In order to fulfill the use of new capabilities, Bosch will employ about 600 people. In 2012, the company achieved a total turnover of 180 million EUR, recording a 4.5% decrease below the level recorded in 2011. At the end of last year, the company had over 1,400 employees across all business divisions. On the local market, Bosch conducts operations in four areas, namely automotive, industrial, construction and energy technologies, and consumer goods. "We are pleased with the progress that the company has recorded in 2012 in Romania. This is why we want to expand at national level and to continue to invest here," said Brigitte Eble, Bosch Group representative in Romania. The automotive technology has been the main area of growth for the local businesses of the German manufacturer. Last year, the company purchased goods worthing 111 million EUR from 68 suppliers. The Power Tools Division of Bosch Romania has registered a stabilization in sales in 2012, despite difficult conditions in the market, which decresed up to 15% compared to 2011, according to the company. The Thermodynamics Division increased its market share by 3% in 2012. Only two specialized companies achieved such a performance given the difficult context of the segment. In what concerns the structure of sales, about half of the division's turnover (49%) is due to the commercialization of heating systems, while the equipments which make use of renewable energies have accounted for 20% of deliveries. The systems used in the industrial and commercial sector have a 10% share of turnover, the difference being generated by the other types of products from the offer in roughly equal shares. According to the information provided by Bosch, the local wall thermal heating systems has moved on a downward trend, approximately 135,000 units being sold in 2012. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue click here!


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