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ARACO awarded 16 construction projects for quality, in 2015

A total number of 16 reference construction projects completed in Romania in 2014 were awarded with Trofeul Calităţii în Construcţii 2015 (the Quality Trophy in Construction 2015). The ceremony was organized by the Romanian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs (ARACO), and it took place on November 26, 2015, at the H2 Pavilion - Madgearu Hall, at Romexpo, in Bucharest. Companies that received awards in the framework of the XX edition are: Aedificia Carpaţi, Con-A, ACI Cluj, Bog'Art, Dedal Bahamat, Recon SA - Craiova, Iamsat-Muntenia, Conest SA - Iaşi, Erbaşu Construcţii SA, Search Corporation, TIAB SA, Hidroconstrucţia SA, Strabag AG - Bucharest branch and Iridex Construction Group. The awards ceremony was preceded by the annual national conference of ARACO, the event also celebrating 25 years since the establishment of the association.
One of the greatest projects awarded with Trofeul Calităţii 2015 implied the functional, technological and organizational optimization of the Bucharest National Theatre "I.L. Caragiale", the largest modernization project undertaken in Bucharest in the recent years. The general contractors of the works were the Romanian companies Aedificia Carpaţi (leader) and Electronic Romtest, that carried out the construction between 2011 and 2014. In over 150 years of existence, the theater building, as it had been amended in the 80s, did not correspond to the static and seismic standards, in terms of structural strength. The total developed area was of over 31.150 sq m, and the whole project amounted over 65 million euro. The project was completed in November 2014. Aedificia Carpaţi also received a trophy for the restoration, expansion and remodeling the "Gabroveni Inn", an important historical monument in Bucharest. 


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