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EGIS supervizeaza constructie sector 3B2 autostrada Brasov-Tg Mures-Cluj-Oradea

Egis semneaza Contractul de Supervizare pentru "Contractul de proiectare si constructie pentru Autostrada Brasov - Targu Mures - Cluj - Oradea, Tronsonul 3B: Mihaiesti - Suplacu de Barcau, Subsectiunea 3B2: Zimbor - Poarta Salajului (km 13+260 - km 25+500)", cu Compania Nationala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere - CNAIR S.A.
In prima parte a lunii august, Egis a semnat cu Compania Nationala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere un contract de 5 milioane de euro pentru supervizarea proiectarii si construirii unui tronson de 12 km din Autostrada Brasov - Targu Mures - Cluj - Oradea, intre Zimbor si Poarta Salajului.
In cadrul Programului de Guvernare pentru dezvoltarea autostrazilor nationale, Autostrada Brasov - Targu Mures - Cluj - Oradea va asigura o legatura directa intre Romania si Europa Centrala si de Vest, contribuind la consolidarea infrastructurii de transport pentru imbunatatirea logisticii si dezvoltarea turismului. De asemenea, constructia acestei autostrazi este de asteptat sa genereze dezvoltarea economica a zonelor traversate si scaderea poluarii aerului in zonele locuite, prin eliminarea traficului de tranzit.
"Aceasta autostrada are un impact strategic important pentru Romania, cu mai multe tronsoane deja deschise si alte cateva in constructie. In mod particular, acest contract reprezinta atat o noua sectiune de autostrada de supervizat, cat si o continuare a implicarii Egis in acest proiect, ceea ce ne va permite sa valorificam toate cunostintele si expertiza obtinute pe tronsoanele invecinate si astfel sa gestionam eficient riscurile si sa maximizam progresul. Inginerii nostri, care au deja baza in Zimbor, au o bogata experienta, ideala pentru aceasta sectiune complexa, si suntem foarte recunoscatori ca si-au luat angajamentul de a fi implicati in continuare in acest proiect", a spus Manuela Copcea, Manager al Departamentului de Supervizare si Management de Proiect la Egis in Romania.
Contractul are ca obiect furnizarea de servicii de supervizare de inalta calitate prin care sa se asigure ca Antreprenorul isi respecta obligatiile contractuale, din punct de vedere al duratei, costurilor si calitatii optime, inclusiv in ceea ce priveste utilizarea corecta a fondurilor.
Subsectiunea 3B2 este proiectata pentru o viteza de 120 km/h. Aceasta porneste de la intersectia autostrazii cu DN 1G km 13+260 (Huedin - Zimbor - Tihau (DN 1G)) si traverseaza dealuri si vai care se indreapta spre Nord pana la intersectia cu DJ 108A (Romanasi - Agrij), la vest de Poarta Salajului. Punctul final al subsectiunii 3B2 va fi amenajat temporar pentru conectarea cu alte drumuri care urmeaza sa fie pregatite pentru conectarea la viitoarea subsectiune 3B3, autostrada Poarta Salajului - Zalau.
Durata supervizarii contractului de proiectare si executie este de 36 de luni la care se adauga perioada de garantie pana la un total de 160 de luni.

Egis signs the supervision contract for the 3B2 Subsection of Brasov - Targu Mures - Cluj - Oradea Motorway Project
Egis signs the Supervision Contract for "Design and Build Contract for Brasov - Targu Mures - Cluj – Oradea Motorway, Section 3B: Mihaiesti – Suplacu de Barcau, Subsection 3B2: Zimbor – Poarta Salajului (km 13+260 – km 25+500)", with the National Company for Administration of Road Infrastructure – CNAIR SA.
In the first part of August, Egis signed with the National Company for Administration of Road Infrastructure a 5 million euros contract for the supervision of the design and build of a 12-km section of Brasov – Targu Mures – Cluj – Oradea Motorway, between Zimbor and Poarta Salajului.
As part of the Government Program for development of national motorways, Brasov – Targu Mures – Cluj – Oradea Motorway will provide a direct link between Romania and the Central and Western Europe, helping to strengthen transport infrastructure to enhance logistics and increase tourism. As well, the construction of this motorway is expected to generate development of the crossed areas and decrease in air pollution in the inhabited areas which will be rendered free of transit traffic.
"This motorway has an important strategic impact for Romania, with several sections already open and several others under construction. This particular contract represents a new section but also a continuation of Egis’ involvement in the motorway to ensure that we can capitalise on all the knowledge and expertise from neighbouring sections to minimise the risks and maximise the progress. Our engineers, based in Zimbor, have a wealth of experience ideally suited to this complex section and we’re very grateful to have secured their continuing commitment and involvement in this project", said Manuela Copcea, Manager of Supervision and Project Management Department at Egis in Romania.
The contract shall cover the provision of high-quality supervisory services to ensure the Contractor complies with contract obligations, including correct use of funds, and optimal duration, cost and overall quality.
Subsection 3B2 is designed for a speed of 120 km/h. It starts at intersection of the motorway with DN 1G km 13+260 (Huedin - Zimbor - Tihau (DN 1G)) and crosses hills and valleys heading North to the intersection with DJ 108A (Romanasi - Agrij), West of Poarta Salajului. The end point of subsection 3B2 will be temporarily arranged for connection with other roads to be prepared for connection to the future subsection 3B3, Poarta Salajului – Zalau motorway.
The duration of design & build supervision is 36 months to which the warranty period adds up to a total of 160 months.
Egis is an international player active in the consulting, construction engineering and mobility service sectors. We create and operate intelligent infrastructure and buildings capable of responding to the climate emergency and helping to achieve more balanced, sustainable and resilient territorial development. With operations in 120 countries, Egis places the expertise of its 17,000 employees at the disposal of its clients and develops cutting-edge innovation accessible to all projects. Through its wide-ranging fields of activity, Egis is a central player in the collective organisation of society and the living environment of citizens all over the world.
Present in Romania since 1996, Egis provides engineering and consultancy services for large and diverse projects all over the country. Some of the most exceptionally talented engineers are part of the Egis in Romania team and they design, supervise and manage complex and technically demanding key infrastructure projects in transport and the built environment.
Egis long-term commitment to the Romanian market led to a high-level of expertise and unique knowledge to support clients, and the key areas of expertise are: roads and highways, rail, water, waste treatment, environment and energy, urban development, aviation, building engineering. 


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