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SHADING SYSTEMS: Heterogeneous offer for a visibly reducing demand

The market segment of shading systems continues to restructure just as the one of thermo-insulating joinery, while the offer continues to be heterogeneous, although the level of internal demand diminishes visibly. Furthermore, although they ensure a high degree of comfort and thermal or noise insulation, the shading elements are still perceived by the recipients of our country as products whose purchase does not represent an objective necessity. Therefore, demand is biased either towards the rare purchase of products with outstanding performances and attractive design or the installation of shutters, blinds, rolls etc. from the economic category, with low prices and a corresponding quality. However, a different situation is recorded on the developed markets of other EU countries, to which the attention of managers of specialized companies was drawn in the last 12 months. Having the ability to make similar products in terms of quality or design as foreign companies, but at a competitive price, the Romanian producers have started - in the same way as joinery manufacturers - to sign partnerships with various intermediaries that can facilitate export. Since 2012, the specific characteristics of the shading systems domain indicated that despite the economic crisis, most managers in the industry decided to address this market in a dynamic manner by promoting products adapted to the current requirements of the users, which usually look for quality products at low prices. In this context, the raise of commodity prices represents this year a challenge not only for specialized companies (which are put in the position to adjust proportionally the prices of finished product) but also for beneficiaries on which the phenomenon of inflation and the continuous deterioration of the purchase power exerts additional pressures. However, the specificity of this category of products represents an added advantage as a result of the increased mobility of the commercialized types, either if we speak about the ones installed inside or models that are mounted on the outside. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue click here!


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