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PRODUCTS&TECH: Advanced electrical solutions for sustainable applications

Electrical installations could not be bypassed by the veritable energy revolution currently conducted, which is centered on the concept of sustainability. The most important vendors in this segment have already implemented ambitious research and development programs geared explicitly towards identifying the best solutions to minimize waste and reduce the carbon footprint. Of course, the best results were obtained from major international corporations, which focused more strongly in that direction, having at the same time, the financial strength necessary to support such a strategy. This does not mean that the idea of innovation was exclusively reserved to the large companies. There are enough examples of innovative ideas came from some small and medium enterprises. Major target, exceeding the limit direct competition, is to ensure the established objectives in terms of efficiency and rational behavior by ecological point of view. It is true that innovations are not recent, but on the contrary, by contrary being started in the nineteenth century through the great achievements of some prominent scholars such as Thomas Edison or Nikola Tesla. However, a remarkable momentum have been taken in recent decades, the evolution in the current century being truly exponential evolution, including by cross-border migration of scientific solutions from other sectors. Technologies reserved until recently exclusively to aerospace industry, for instance, have been implemented in household applications, with great results. Internationally wide, there is a manifest concern for identifying and implementing ideas which subordinate to the principles of sustainable development, in the sense that the activity is often recognized and rewarded by honors and awards of real value. The following are just a few of the more interesting proposals, which in the future will have certainly a secured a place in every sustainable project in the world.


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