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KNAUF INSULATION: Modern solutions for the insulation of façades

Knauf Insulation Romania, a leading local supplier of mineral wool, estimates a stabilization of the businesses in this year at the level recorded in 2012 given that the profile market continued to remain on a downward trend. After a decrease of 5% of total sales in the industry, reported last year by the specialized companies, the prerequisites for 2013 are not positive, especially because the number of building permits issued in the first eight months of this year has decreased and, furthermore, there are many projects started and left unfinished due to the lack of funding. At national level, Knauf Insulation supplies mainly materials directly on construction sites for the insulation of residential and commercial buildings, but also for the thermal rehabilitation of blocks of flats with a minimum height regime of P +11E, which have to be provided, as required by law, solely with insulating materials classified with Class A1 fire resistance. Currently, the company focuses on promoting the thermal system which includes stone wool and the insulating systems of attics with mineral wool. In order to achieve thermal insulating works with thermal systems that include mineral wool, Knauf Insulation delivers on the market the FKD and FKD S systems that have outstanding properties of thermal and acoustic insulation for the external walls. The coefficient of thermal conductivity (λ) of the FKD system reaches up to 0.039 W/mK at a thickness of 20-150 mm, a length of 600 mm and a width of 1,000 mm. In what concerns the FKD S product, for a material having a thickness of 60-180 mm, a length of 600 mm and a width of 1,000 mm, the λ coefficient reaches up to 0,036 W/mK. According to the data provided by Knauf Insulation, the energy saving translates into a lower value of the coefficient of thermal conductivity. "Wool fibres are protected by a hydrophobic substance. Thus, the material is having a high resistance to moisture. Furthermore, the mineral wool is a non-combustible product, it does not sustain combustion and does not emit harmful gases under the action of fire because it has an enhanced fire safety", explained Lucia Matei, Marketing Manager at Knauf Insulation Romania. For further information, click here!


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