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ANALYSIS: The geopolitical risks divert the business plans of companies

The apparently insuperable problems (which have lately attenuated), generated by the sovereign debt crisis in the countries from the Euro Area, have added more geopolitical risks, reflected more acutely in the world economy. These facts - combined with many other negative and unpredictable macroeconomic factors - diverted largely the corporate business plans and resulted in a drastic reduction of profitability for most multinational groups active on the thermo-insulating market. The negative data are reflected with transparency and accuracy in the most recent financial documents published by major holdings, which - in the absence of the "traditional" measures aimed at recovery (that have been exhausted in previous years, during which the global recession had powerful and extremely quick effects) - appeal to principles of sustainability and corporate social responsibility. It seems that in the current business environment, the discourse concerning ecology, environment, safeguarding resources, welfare etc. has the ability to justify, on the one hand, the negative financial results and, on the other hand, can counteract the lack of confidence in the potential of companies and their existence in the medium or long term, manifested by stakeholders – either if we speak about shareholders or employees, customers , suppliers of raw materials and energy, the governmental decision makers etc. Investors continue to be influenced mainly by the macroeconomic data and a favourable aspect in this regard has been announced for the month of August (the most recent period for which various statistical data and global indicators were quantified). According to the company Bloomberg – the global market leader of financial analysis - the reference period reported a mixed development of the real economy indicators on global level, driven by increased geopolitical risks (especially the situation in the Middle East). If we exclude this unfavourable factor, the analysts can already announce that the global economy has reached an inflection point in the second quarter, a fact confirmed beyond any doubt by the return on an upward trend for the indicator concerning international trade flows. 


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