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INFO-SITES: Diversification of private investments in the second semester

The decision of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) to cut the benchmark interest rate from 5.25% to a low of 5% could represent an optimum condition for easing the credit conditions, which could have a positive impact on the investments in constructions starting from next year. BNR is expected to act similarly in October 2013, depending on the evolution of the inflation. The institution is more confident in the framing of the inflation in the projected band and, therefore, intends to lower the costs of crediting and to increase the confidence in the local economy. In this seemingly positive context, the government continues to invest in infrastructure in a cautious and timid manner, while the private investors choose projects which already guarantee a high occupancy rate immediately after the completion of the buildings. The general work frame is slowly but relied upon orders and a more careful management of the available funds. The National Council for Solving Complaints (CNSC) dismissed the appeal raised by the construction companies Spedition UMB and Strabag for the award of the execution of the second batch of Lugoj-Deva highway section. Thus, the works will be carried out by the association Salini Construttori SpA - Secol SpA. These companies have won the auction with a bid award valued at approximately 240 million EUR. The decision of CNSC was taken immediately after the Court of Appeal dismissed the complaints filed by the company from Bacau controlled by the businessman Dorel Umbrarescu and the representatives of the Austrian group Strabag. "The Court of Appeal decided to reject as unfounded the complaints made on appeal by Strabag and Spedition UMB. The decision 3119/2013 is irrevocable and represents a continuation of the CNSC decision taken on the 17th of June 2013, through which the association JV Salini - Century SpA gained the award", it is shown in a statement of the company Tuca Zbârcea & Associates, which represented the Italian association in this case. The second batch of Lugoj-Deva highway includes the construction of 29 kilometers of road, and its auction gathered, alongside Spedition UMB and Strabag. 


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