السلة فارغة

EDITORIAL: Nothing good is foreseeable yet on the curtain wall segment

Aluminum systems market has kept its share on the total sales of insulating windows and curtain walls, although in the last five years, the value of this sector dropped to about one third compared to the period preceding the outset of the recession. Nowadays, the activity in the aluminum thermal insulating windows is so low that it is difficult to identify the actual destination of imported parts. Of course, the applications that use such profiles are quite various and include, in addition, interior partition or supporting structures for photovoltaic panels, but it is difficult to believe these alternative uses could cover the difference between imports and classical applications. An undeniable fact is that the Romanian façade market was practically devastated by the economic crisis. With some exceptions, which consisted in a few structures which didn't come out with any innovation, in recent years the activity was nearly absent. It would be interesting to analyze which were the causes of this phenomenon. To ensure an objective approach, it must be presented the entire evolution of the field. In the first part of the 2000s, the local know-how was very limited in terms of large glass structures for buildings. For this reason, the outsourcing of this work involved considerable costs for contractors, given the small number of companies with capabilities to manage such special projects. The experts in design were relatively few, and their services - very expensive. In the same time, the necessary materials were imported directly from international suppliers, which resulted in another pressure to increase prices. This situation lasted for several years, during which were registered significant gains in the segment of curtain walls. As the field has evolved and the demand for office buildings has increased significantly, the number of foreign representative offices in Romania having own warehouses has been in constant growth. The peak of evolution was reached in 2008, when the market was oversaturated in materials of all classes of quality and performance. After that, the market collapsed, and the biggest part of supply disappeared as the demand didn't justified the costs.


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