السلة فارغة

ANALYSIS: HVAC equipment market is in the third consecutive year of stabilization

The Romanian market of heat, ventilation and air conditioning equipments (HVAC) will record, at the end of 2014, a period of three consecutive years of stabilization. After the heating products sales was maintained, in 2013, to about 140,000 units, it is possible that a similar level will be registered and at the end of this year. In terms of value, due to a stabilization of the price level (with some slight decreases in certain underperforming products) the results falls between the levels recorded in 2012 and 2013, respectively between 75 million euro and 100 million euro. It should be noted that it is very difficult to estimate the exact value of this market segment, given the complexity and the large number of importers and distributors whose turnovers include, in most cases, various types of equipments, not necessarily part of the HVAC category. About 80% of the thermal equipments sold last year were new systems, and the remaining 20% regarded purchases made to replace the existing products installed over a decade ago - trend that will be seen in the next period. The HVAC equipment sector in Romania is heavily influenced by the overall regress of the construction market. The business is further affected by the fewer opportunities for disconnection from the centralized heating and also by the declining purchasing power of the population. Also in 2014, the financial performance will be linked to the situation in the thermal-electrical plants (CET), the value of bills which will be paid by population for the winter period and the value of the subsidies granted by local authorities. However, the election period is hostile to business in the HVAC area, given that municipalities are working hard to support the heating subsidy. Furthermore, the price will remain the main criteria for purchase of HVAC systems in Romania, especially for the first product installed in an apartment, aware customers knowing already the importance of quality in the case of such products.


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