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NOVELIS: Innovative surfaces and architectural highlights

The iconic Titanic museum building in Belfast has an outstanding façade constructed of batch anodised Novelis J57S. It is a technical marvel fit for the 21st century and a fitting memorial to the original ship that lends its name. The state-of-the-art visitor attraction was opened in April 2012 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the launch of the Titanic from the same slipway in Belfast dock and represents a triumphant return to its place of birth. Architect Paul Crowle had the vision to design the shape of an iceberg onto the façade and designed some 2000 different shaped aluminium panels to reflect the light in many different and spectacular ways. The façade, which was a winner at the 2012 European Aluminium award ceremony, has been constructed in a scaled version and a replica will be on show at the Novelis stand. Novelis range of functional and decorative surface finishes are ideal for both interior and exterior cladding – especially for sophisticated modern façades. Novelis dedicated research and development facilities are constantly working on new and diverse painted and anodised surface finishes. Metallic, stone, wooden, fireproof, hygienic and luminescent finishes are among the recent developments currently available to the modern designer. For more infomation,


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