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LINDAB inaugurates a new production line at Stefanestii de Jos

Lindab Romania, a company with activities in the field of metal profiles, systems for buildings and ventilations, inaugurates a new production line for the Click SRP folding roof, with a capacity of 604,800 linear meters per year, in the factory Stefanestii de Jos (Ilfov County). The subsidiary of the Swedish group is present on the local market since 1994. In the establishment of Stefanestii de Jos, the company will be able to achieve more than two million linear meters of metal tiles (available in six profiles), 1.81 million linear meters of cladding, approximately 403,000 linear meters of bodywork elements, 362,000 linear meters of facade cassettes and 97.200 linear meters of cold formed profiles, all in one shift. Last year, the businesses of Lindab Romania stood at around 20 million EUR, stabilizing, thus, at the level of 2011, although the local roof market registered a contraction of nearly 8% up to a value of 123 million EUR, corresponding to a quantity of 26 million square meters. The investment in the new production line at Stefanestii de Jos amounted to about 100,000 EUR, the decision to begin the manufacture of pre-folding panels SRP Click to Romania being taken after an increase of over 78% of sales of this type of roof in 2012 (compared to the previous year), so far the product being imported from the group's plant in Hungary. "For this year, we aim at doubling the sales of SRP Click, as a result of opening the new unit, up to a quantity of 45,000 square meters. Among the objectives we also have the increase of the range of available colors from 15 to 21 shades and the offering on the market of a greater variety of shapes and sizes of the elements", said Andrei Sulyok, general manager of the company. According to the company's data, the Click SRP system is an economical alternative of the seam flat sheet (which can be sold up to 50% cheaper compared to the traditional PLX model), being designed primarily for renovations and restorations with low budgets. The new production line has a working speed of 400 linear meters / minute and the availability of profiling two distinct profiles with various shapes. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue click here!


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