Coșul este gol

EXPORTS constitute a solution for doors manufacturers

The specific market segment of internal / external doors manufacturers and suppliers / distributors showed a somewhat different dynamic compared to other sectors of the thermal insulating joinery domestic market, but the relatively pronounced decline of the housing construction has affected the level of deliveries. The macroeconomic issues, in conjunction with various social and political tensions still looming, jeopardize the internal products sales. Given this situation, the managers of the specialized companies are forced to sell a large part of their assemblies at export in a similar way with the PVC, aluminum or wood windows producers. Thus, they can also boost the currently favorable supply period (e.g. between September and December), especially since during the peak season the new buildings or the ones that have entered in a renovation process reach also the stage when they are provided with various combinations of doors. In the absence of reliable data on the actual sales of doors, which are difficult to quantify also due to the diversity of products, a relatively meaningful analysis of the current situation and the prospects of the field can be done by quantifying the cumulative revenue of the major economic entities active in the field which were reported by the Ministry of Finance between 2008-2012. Therefore, if we take into account the financial results which largely reflect the value of branch, the updated information of the list of companies (analyzed by specialized department of Fereastra magazine), comprising 111 players active in the production and supply of internal / external doors (including those who have accepted the invitation to submit views for this analysis) shows that the corporate income decreased by 2% in 2012 (to 165 million EUR), compared to 2011 when they recorded a total turnover of 169 million EUR. The decrease occurs, however, after an increase of 12% in 2011 and after two periods of significant decline in the early years of the economic crisis (-20% in 2010 compared to 2009, up to 152 million EUR and -22% in 2009 to 190 million EUR from the referential level of 243 million EUR in 2008). 


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