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SUSTAINABILITY and a favorable momentum for R&D departments

The technical innovation represents the main element which boost the worldwide building industry, on all its segments. Although it seems hard to believe that new elements may be added in a field that has so long history, the reality demonstrates that things that seemed to be established for a long time could be changed. Development doesn’t occur exclusively in terms of machinery and equipment (benefiting, as is normal, by the latest findings on the mechanical, electrical and electronics findings, and on which the requirements of sustainability adding a continuous pressure), but affect including the so-called "classic" materials. The truth is that there acts a special dynamic of all technologies related to this economic sector, and this trend becomes more obvious as at the level of the international market is gaining ground the concept of sustainability. The most spectacular solutions are still promoted in the machinery sector - area where technology has the greatest freedom of expression and where the visibility is greatest for new solutions. Suppliers in the industry were able to exploit very good the opportunity of the Bauma international exhibition, recognized as a veritable springboard for the most unexpected technical proposals. According to official data, at the fair exhibited their products 3,423 companies who have come from 58 countries across the world. In the six days of the event, the Messe Munich complex was visited by 580,000 specialists, up 9% than in 2013. Of course, the 'boom' in innovations are not limited, as mentioned above, to machinery, an accelerated development being registered at the level of traditional branches. From this point of view, products in the masonry blocks category, registered in recent years, dramatic improvements. The trend has been encouraged by the increasingly stringent requirements imposed by European and international legislation on energy efficiency. Moreover, things evolved further, with the entry into the public consciousness of the concept of sustainability, with all that it this means.


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