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RELATIVELY favorable market conjuncture for garage doors

Initially, the segment of garage doors and especially the sector of automatic doors usually installed in office buildings, malls, hotels etc., was hard affected by the recession - a situation that had wrecked (even temporary) many projects. The lately evolution has been rather erratic, inconsistent and uncertain. Thus, in conditions of oversupply, more specialized companies were forced to secure their revenues by concentrating on export operations. However, in 2015, the dynamics of construction market was relatively optimal, and in the first half of the year was recorded an increase of 5% (in volume of works) especially due to infrastructure projects rather than the residential ones (as regards the nonresidential objectives, these registered a decrease). Moreover, at least in the garage doors field, there are certain elements which could easily contribute at a sustainable increase of the demand, this phenomena being more visible when analyzing the structure of issuing the building permits in the period January-June, with the result that numerous residential real estate is done in areas where installing garage door is either a traditional or a mandatory objective. According to the statistical information available, increases in the number of construction permits for residential buildings were found in western regions (326 permits), North West (252 permits), Centre (125 permits) and North East (+91 permits). This is currently a market with a great potential for expansion for all companies involved in the residential segment and, to a large extent, including suppliers of garage doors, gates and other metal assemblies.


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