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NHDP: Industrial finishing center, for glass, PVC and aluminum profiles

New House Design Project (NHDP) is currently one of the most competitive Romanian suppliers of professional finishing services, providing integrated solutions for local partners, which include dyeing and laminating operations of the components used in insulated joinery industry - and beyond. Reporting in 2014 a turnover of 1.2 million RON, up 15% compared to the previous fiscal year, the company recorded a good performance, supported by the development strategy recently implemented, which involves, among others, laying the foundations for a complex industrial center for finishes. The firm has completed during the current year the implementation of an investment program worthing 0.3 million euro, which aims to offer integrated services of covering the special profiles, regardless of the material from which they are made. Included in a "all in one" program, the operations refer at dyeing or laminating PVC profiles, electrostatic coating of aluminum elements and glass painting. Through the use of advanced next-generation technologies, ensuring an increased productivity and high quality final products, plus a shortening of delivery terms, NHDP meets its partners needs with a complete offer, which has the advantage of delivering the specific services from a single source. This means simplifying contractual procedures, minimizing risk and improving productivity. The main reason behind the idea of implementing the project was set up by growing demand for high quality service and for a reasonable period of processing. For the next period, the company management estimates an increase of 40% in terms of turnover, based on the expansion of services. For 2016, they are even more confident in the optimum development of the company, forecasting a positive adjustment to earnings forecast to a range between 70% and 80%. Thereby, the current approach will bring the expected growth in terms of turnover and ensure sustainable development of the company into a market which is in a full process of recovery, where demand for high-quality solutions is growing and the consumers requirements impose particular attention regarding the quality of finishing.


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