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Innovative technologies, described at the 2016 edition of EURO-Fereastra

The International Conference on Systems for Joinery and Façades EURO-Fereastra 2016 – an already traditional event for the above mentioned market, which reached its eighth edition – whose works were carried out on 24 May, at the Atlas Hall of Radisson Blu Hotel, Bucharest, in parallel with the International Conference on Sustainable Construction and Energy Efficiency EURO-Constructii (fifth edition) - was again a success in all respects, especially in terms of the innovations and participation. At both conferences, were present in the audience more than 380 experts – decision makers of the most important construction and installation companies, joinery producers, architects, planners, officials of central and local authorities, representatives of academia etc. The next edition of the conference is scheduled for May 23, 2017. After the opening of the 2016 edition, the first plenary lecture has referred at the boosting of thermal rehabilitation works. Monica Ardeleanu, Director of Development and Policy in the Romania Green Building Council - RoGBC provided details regarding the project, as the main element for creating and sustaining a constructive dialogue between the key players involved in the renovation of existing buildings. Afterwards, Cristian Dumitru, from Tesa Tape, captured the audience attention proposing performance solutions that can be used to joinery manufacture. The actual performance of buildings sustainable, which should be evaluated by matters of convenience and not by meeting the requirements which the occupants of the buildings did not understand and perceive as their benefit were raised by President of the Order of Architects in Romania, arch. Serban Ţigănaş, then Ekin Safkan, responsible product within Sisecam Flat Glass pointed interactively through a film ("Expectations of Architecture from glass"), the connections between glass - seen as a sustainable material - and architecture, including by detailing several flagship projects. Following the first part of the plenary session, Serban Danciu, Country Initiative Manager of the Buildings Performance Institute (BPIE) Romania, presented the theme entitled "Improving the energy efficiency of the existing building - a major imperative of the Energy Strategy of Romania".


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