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BUSINESS NEWS: Revival of intra-EU trade activity

When analyzing the influence factors impacting multinational groups in windows industry in Europe, it may be noted that, despite a punctual decrease of the construction market in the second quarter of 2016 (-1.1% in the EU-28), there are some positive aspects noticed lately, that have certainly caused a revival of business activity in the intra-EU space. Thus, the statistics office Eurostat announced recently reflect a heterogeneous situation, proving, however, the economic performance of each state, and on the whole continent. Consequently, for the first six months of this year, the rate of surplus for manufactured goods was less steep than in the past (the index reaching 127.3 billion euro to 150.1 billion euro). Like last year, an alarm signal is given by the problems encountered by the European Union that seem to perpetuate as community space still faces various structural irregularities, including geopolitical (the Brexit crisis, the crisis of immigrants from the Middle East - and not only). If the first half of 2016, it was confirmed that some developed countries excel through exports, and some them have not completed the so-called structural crisis. Thus, at least in the euro area, the necessary impetus to initiate an upward economic trend on a sustainable basis fail to appear, since strictly including trade in goods between the entities that make up the EU-19 stagnated in the first half of 2016. Even though they tried to increase the degree of international exposure, most managers of corporations in industrie of windows face the fact that, precisely in such periods, the results are heterogeneous and can indicate, for example, increases in turnover, whose profitability was canceled by exchange rate fluctuations. This risk does not exist, for example, if the trades (such as imports and exports) were running safely, only to the residents in the euro area countries, where payments are made in euro.


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