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ANALYSIS: The manufacturers of wood products orient towards export

Most representatives of companies involved in the manufacture of wood joinery consider, especially during the current economic conditions, that export is the only chance to revitalize this area, seriously affected by the recession. By entering this year on a new downwards trend at local level, the analyzed market segment has a real potential for expansion on the medium and long term only if the beneficiaries will accept the technological innovations and the advantages of using windows made of composite materials (wood-aluminum). According to a recent study prepared by Interconnection Consulting Group, the use of wood joinery decreases throughout Europe, especially if one takes into account the austerity measures, with the exception of the Nordic and Baltic countries, where this material is preferred by tradition. For example, in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, the wood-aluminum windows will have until 2016 a share of 57.9% and the ones made from wood approximately 24% against other materials or combinations. According to the research made by Interconnection, the Western European market is made up of the ones from these countries: France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Great Britain and Ireland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, respectively Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. On the segment of wood windows, the future belongs to aluminum-wood combinations whose deliveries will increase from 2013, with a level higher to the average on the market in detriment of all other solutions (PVC, aluminum / steel, wood, metal and PVC). In 2016, in all these countries, the aluminum-wood joinery products will have a rate of 14.6%, reporting an increase of 14% compared to the level of 2012, while for the stratified wood assemblies the rate of use will decrease from 19.2% in 2012 to 17.4% in 2016. Obviously, the competition on this segment will be fierce and it is estimated that, together with the intensification of the globalization process, the winning companies will be those with a high degree of international exposure and that have the ability to provide products with an optimal ratio of performance and price. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue click here!


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