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ANALYSIS: The cumulative turnover of architectural offices increased by 5.6%

The economic segments involving architectural and engineering activities, namely ones referring at technical testing and analysis , decreased as adjusted series with 2.5% in July 2015 (compared to June) and as unadjusted series on sequential basis, reporting data indicates a decline of 10.4%, as it reflects the latest information from the National Statistics Institute (INS) within that the data for the current month are provisional, and the previous one have been rectified. According to the research entitled "Turnover in market services rendered mainly to enterprises", the revenues of aforementioned specialized companies (expressed in nominal terms) have regressed by 10.8% in July 2015 as adjusted series. They was reduced by 9.9% in terms of gross series, compared to the same month of the previous year. In the first seven months of this year, companies providing architectural and engineering services communicated a turnover increased by 6.1%, reported as unadjusted series from the level of the same period of last year, while the index of adjusted values by the number of working days and seasonal factors noted a jump of 5.6% compared to January-July 2014 period. In early September 2015, the Romanian superior chamber of Parliament adopted the legislative proposal Law 252/2015 amending and supplementing the Law no. 50/1991 authorizing the construction works, the project now being in the Chamber of Deputies committees. The main amendments relate to the way of the authorizing of intervention in protected areas. Under the proposed legislation, will be established a separation of monument buildings in protected areas due to differences concerning "the nature of the building." According to representatives of the Bucharest Territorial Branch of Romanian Architects Order (OAR Bucharest), the proposal omits, however, some elements which link all the articles which refer to interventions in historic areas, creating dysfunctions at procedural level.


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