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ANALYSIS: Certification services sector, valued at about 3 million euro

The Romanian certification services market is valued at about 3 million euro, according to the estimates made by the managers of the most important specialized organizations in Romania, and the sector is estimated to grow in 2015. Last year, the specific segment experienced a decline in value compared to 2013, due mainly to the resumption of accreditation from national associations in the field (RENAR in Romania) and notification (European Commission), the resumption of procedures for the designation of the European technical assessment organizations in of the construction products, applying the provisions of Regulation (EU) no. 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011, the setting of harmonized conditions for the trading of the construction products and repealing Council Directive 89/106 / EEC, namely Decision no. 1236 / 12.12.2012 establishing the institutional framework and measures to implement the provisions of Regulation (EU) no. 305/2011. "For 2016 it is estimated, however, an increase in the value of the certification contracts/ technical inspection/ technical agreement emitting and european technical assessments, under the revival of the construction sector and especially amid carrying large infrastructure", explained eng. Polidor Bratu, President of the ICECON GRUP, organization that includes more specialized certification services and has a market share of 15%. According to ICECON GRUP, in recent years has been seen an increase in the share of innovative products with high performance, consistent with the basic requirements for construction. Also, a new trend of the current period is the increasing degree of the renewal of the equipment of construction companies through the purchase of high tech equipment, resulting in improved technical capability in achieving superior quality work, according to the technological requirements of current rules, required by the ongoing projects.


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