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ANALYSIS: Bucharest, central and eastern regions - the favorite areas for housing

According to the preliminary data provided by the National Statistics Institute (INS), in the first half of 2015 at the national level were completed 19.534 houses, with 1.952 units more than in the same period of the previous 12 months (meaning a growth of 11.1% ), when there were reported 17,582 units put into use. As this better situation highlights the progress of works of the analyzed period, it is observed that during the reference interval, there was an unequivocal improvement of residential construction market, especially as the specific scope of work increased by +10.3% as unadjusted series in January-June (or + 10.9% as adjusted series), and that increase was reflected by an improvement in the number of units which were actually completed. Thus, if consider only the latter indicator, it appears that efforts taken by the industry operators to boost this segment have been successful, especially since real estate investors have allocated additional funds in order to build residential buildings. The press bureau of statistical institute also shows that, with regard to the residence field, "the analysis of new housing construction in the first semester of 2015 highlights, unlike the same period in 2014, a decrease in the number of buildings housing environment areas (at a level of 45.4%), while in the previous period and similar was reporting a 48.8% share. In January-June 2015 were built more housing in urban areas, which now becoming prevalent, with 54.6% versus 51.2%, in the first semester of 2014. By contrast, the distribution of financing funds on completed dwellings shows that, compared to the first six months of 2014, the same period of the last year brought a smaller increase in the number of dwellings constructed from public funds (439 units) in relation to the growing trend of the ones financed by private resources (1,513 units).


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