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ANALYSIS: Increase of demand for integrated software applications

The local market of software for architecture and construction sectors has embarked on a growth trend in 2015, the most specialized companies in the field showing significant increases (between 20% and 30%) in sales. In 2016, they could record again a growth, given in particular the high demands of architects and engineers regarding the accuracy of projects management at all stages of execution. Nationally, there are about 20 companies specialized in providing software for architectural design and installation works. According to calculations made using the data from the Ministry of Finance, the above mentioned companies have registered in 2014 a 3% increase in revenue compared to the previous year, to 35 million euro, less than the 8% level reported in 2013, compared to 2012. It should be noted, however, that the total turnover includes the specific activities in IT. The market of software for architecture and construction is in a constant process of change, given the unprecedented technological development in recent decades and huge the capacity for innovation in the sector. Development of the field is not limited to software technology, is also important in terms of storage premises (especially those related to "cloud"), the integration and interconnection of multiple solutions, information management and not least, safety data. Once the market has been radically transformed by the shift from 2D to the 3D, became increasingly requested solutions of private "cloud" private which may help the construction companies to modernize their IT infrastructure, without the limitations related to data security or storage capacities. A new trend in software construction sector the one referring at the use of smart phones and tablets, especially for field operations of construction companies. Using a mobile application, the communications equipments have the opportunity to run full versions of software used in a company, to obtain the necessary results in real time and to give the user the possibility to send them to the office for later processing.


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