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EUROPAPROPERTY: Castigatorii SEE Real Estate Awards 2015

EuropaProperty has successfully completed its 10th annual SEE Real Estate Awards at the Radisson BLU Hotel in Bucharest, Romania. The awards gala was heralded as a great success and was well received by all winners and their guests. For more “trending details” on Twitter please follow #SEEAwards.
The 10th annual SEE Real Estate Awards for 2014 was held in front of a large and enthusiastic crowd. The event brought together some of the region’s top real estate developers, investors and market professionals who were there to see who would collect the 29 prizes that were handed out over the course of the evening.
Company of the Year awards were presented to the leading developer, investor and professional service providers in South Eastern Europe for their activities and accomplishments during 2014. Companies were judged on their overall market contribution, quality of customer services, market innovation, commercial success, leadership and market penetration.
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